
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dystopia contest about love

Dystopia and time travel are my favorite types of sci-fi (I'll have to blog later about the first at least). I just heard about the Lauren Oliver's contest, and I want to write a short story entry.  Even if I do not make the deadline, the prompt will be a good exercise.

If you're interested in entering as well, then click Lauren's name above. The prompt says, "Write a short story or poem in less than 750 words in which two people meet and have a connection (romantic or not), in a society where human interaction is shunned." The deadline is April 24.

I have not read Lauren's work yet but I wish to read Delirium, which has the contest's theme.

1 comment:

  1. Maria - I have noticed a difference in my hair -it's always grown fast but now it is SUPER fast... it's shiny and stronger it seems too. I am SO excited to hear that you are taking wheatgrass supplements :) :) whats the name? i'm taking kyo-green right now and will try BrainOn next!
