
Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I once tested out the filters on my camera phone in my backyard and came up with this movie trailer spoof:
I was just messing around until I saw how the first photo shown looked like a drama to me. So I messed around more to create a story.  It was fun and received laughs from family and friends.  I had also personified the animals by making them human-like in a relationship drama context.

I still like how a story can be created with anything.

In my Visual Cultures class, I found examples of personification through Edward Gorey's."The Animated Tragedy" (a page is shown below) and "Bug Book."

For my final in that class, I decided to make a comic on personified objects. Because I like the look of poker cards, I chose them as my objects. So I made a drama about cards moving closer and away from each other as a hand of cards.

I aimed to keep the captions casual and like a children's book as I saw Edward Gorey did for even his dark stories. I never mentioned the affair after the title.

For the final, I had printed out black and white.  Since then I photoshopped the images to make them more flat and give more dramatic lighting.  The piece will go in my school magazine. =)  Once again, I had fun. and I hope I do more personified works. What do you think?

If you're interested in Edward Gorey, then I recommend Amphigorey.

1 comment:

  1. I realized another way to describe the narration in "The Affair." Hemingway's style is the iceberg theory, where only 10% is given while the rest is hidden or missing. In a story, He took away all that the reader can assume and left what the reader could not assume.

    In "The Affair," the reader can tell from the images that the Jack is interested in the Queen. That is why I do not mention it in the captions. Instead I describe what the other characters are doing or feeling, which cannot be assumed by most. The minor characters get their story in the captions because the main story is visible enough.
