

I added a page on dystopia here for reference. Dystopia is one of my favorite types of sci-fi.

Some Merriam-Webster definitions.
  1. An imaginary and indefinitely remote place
  2. A place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
  3. An impractical scheme for social improvement
Some synonyms listed: Camelot, Eden, heaven, and never-never land.
An antinomy: hell

An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives

Shrek Forever After was a bit dystopic.
I laughed during  Rumpel's televised announcement.
People in dystopic societies obey for the good of the people or out of fear. Either way the small group in power actually benefit.

Rules can be lies for control or actually intended to help mankind. Either way, a part of humanity is oppressed or sacrificed.

There usually is brainwashing in some form such as:
  • Propaganda,
  • Lied to since birth,
  • Persuaded that the lie is better than the truth,
  • Persuaded to act certain way with reward or lighter conditions,
  • Constant exposure to lies,
  • Fear,
  • Persuaded that "wrong" acts do harm to the people,
  • Imprisoned until will is broken,
  • And/or an operation.

The people may know the lies. However, they still follow either out of fear or because they cannot think of a solution. So far I have not read a dystopia without a rebellion, which alone is not the answer. George Orwell has shown that the new society can be no better than the previous one.

Most dystopic societies isolate themselves from the rest of the world that is not under their control. Nature exists on its own and represents adaptation and survival without control. Society is usually cut off from nature. As a result, people will rely more on their government or rulers for essentials. Technology, which is created by man, replaces nature.

Although dystopias are set in the future, authors make social or political commentary based on the past such as Soviet Russia or based on present-day society. Dystopias are often warnings and a call to inform yourself.

If you want more definitions or characteristics, I found this site on George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm.

Dystopic books:                                     Dystopic films:

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin 1921
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1932                              Brave New World 1980 & 1998
Animal Farm by George Orwell 1945                                     Animal Farm 1954 &1999
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell 1949                       1984 1956 & 1984
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury 1953                                  Fahrenheit 451
Logan's Run by William Nolan & George Johnson 1967         Logan's Run 1976
Paris in the Twentieth Century by Jules Verne 1994
The Uglies series by Scott Westerfield 2005
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 2008                         The Hunger Games 2012
                                                                                               Equilibrium 2002
                                                                                               The Island 2005

Dystopic Shows:  

The Prisoner 1968 & 2010

I have not read Brave New World, The Uglies, or Logan's Run.
I have not seen Animal Farm, or 1984 .

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