
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ash and Amy

Hey guys I entered another Shirt.Woot contest. This time a mystery celebrity chose the theme TV show mashed up with an album cover. The hint given for the celebrity's identity is not Tony Shalub. What if the celebrity is from Doctor Who for the 50th anniversary?

This weekly contest is the first time I've submitted 2 entries. :) Tomorrow is the last day for votes so if you're a Shirt.Woot customer, then please vote for my entries. Anyone can help by sharing my entries. The links are the entry titles. Thank you! :D

"Born to be the Very Best" is a mashup of
Pokemon & Bruce Springsteen's album "Born In the U.S.A."

"Amy + the Time Machine" is a mashup of
Doctor Who & Florence + the Machine's album "Lungs"

I feel I have progressed with limited colored shirt design on Photoshop.  The movie Catching Fire energized me enough for a second entry. :D I'm glad because Amy Pond and the weeping angels has been on my list of designs-to-make.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Maleficent Shirt and Trailer

If my entry for most shirt design contests doesn't get picked, then I still have to wait a few month to submit the entry somewhere else. I'm able to now use the Maleficent text entry I did for Shirt.Woot.


On RedBubble, you can get it as a shirt:

I have two other ideas with Maleficent, who is one of my favorite Disney villains. The movie for this 2014 spring motivates me! Here is the first trailer:

I like the scene when they interact!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Hunger Games Humor

Surprisingly no one has used the Gaston book meme for The Hunger Games yet. I made one: 

For some reason I like photoshopping Beauty & the Beast more than any other Disney princess or movie. 

Here are some funny images I found in time for the 2nd Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire! After the Pocahontas one, they have some Catching Fire spoilers, especially the last one. A few of them I saw last time, but waited for the second movie. Enjoy. :D

Hope you get the song reference. XD
I laughed harder than I thought I would.

Hipster Peeta
It's awesome that Effie has a meme.

Reference to Catching Fire

New character in Catching Fire.
It might be funny only if you read the book.
BIG spoiler

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ender's Game Touched My Heart Again

Published 1985
Thanks to a cousin's recommendation, I read Ender's Game during high school. It is one of my top favorite sci-fi books!  I love the book because of how humane the hero Ender Wiggins is throughout the story even when trained to be a brilliant killer.

I am glad I did not reread Ender's Game before watching the movie so the emotions could hit me. By forgetting details such as Ender's isolation, I re-experienced the story's beautiful and painful message. 

Some people say that once you read one military sci-fi, you can't enjoy another one because it's too similar. Well, I could not enjoy Starship Troopers because Ender's Game is different by surpassing military.

The actor, Asa Butterfield, was perfect for to play Ender. He had very expressive eyes. I forgot he played Mordred in BBC's Merlin. As Mordred, he has few lines, but his expressions dominate the scene.

I speak of beauty and emotions, but there is action too. The zero-gravity battle room scenes had the wonder, action, and strategy I had hoped for! The music captures the wonder of it too.

I watched the movie with a group. Some of them now want to read the book. For one of them, that was her first time a movie motivated her to read the story. Their reactions touched my heart even more. I want to reread Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead.