
Monday, December 5, 2011

Geeky in the Shower

I found an item that I must share with you gamers. ;)
That's made of SOAP!

Under the section "Geekry" on, I found a shop called Digital Soaps, which sells game cartridges and controllers in the form of soap.

Yes, soap.

There are items from the games as well including the Portal cube:

Have some laughs and nostalgic moments at the games selected for the shower. One funny line in the descriptions is "Lather up, level up."

However, I must inform you that the scents are sodas such as Mountain Dew. That factor will stop some of you from actually washing with the soap. If you are just collecting the soaps, then I suggest a case for them to at least to block the fragrance from ants. A case will keep the soap in good condition anyway.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Incredible Paper Art

You see simple-looking paper art, and you think, "I'd like to try that." =)

But then you see that the artist that made the bird made an image that you cannot accomplish in pencil or paint. 0_0
Yesss, each one of those lines is a strip of paper! 

The amount of detail and its rendering in these following pieces are mind-blowing as well:

Still paper...
Lay-erss of paper.

Do not be discouraged to try a new art medium though. Let works like these inspire you. The artists invested their time and effort to their work so at least dedicate yourself to the interest you first had. Let the works of others still be enjoyable to you. =)

For more paper work, check out this article, which leads you to the artists' websites when you click an image.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2nd The Hunger Games Trailer

I started reading Catching Fire, the second book of HG trilogy, today. After reading two books in one weekend, I find myself not rationing the chapters like I did for the first book. I am 37 pages into the second book, and I am happy to see the characters in District 12 again. Thank you author Suzanne Collins for telling us more about Haymitch and returning to the relationship of Katniss and her mother.

The day I returned back to the world of The Hunger Games is when I saw the second trailer!

Gale still looks too big for his age. Now Katniss' face sticks out to me probably because I am imagining her in my mind as I read again. Otherwise the world, clothes, and other characters look fine to me. The wardrobe and fashion trends seem toned down, but I am okay with that as long as they capture "the girl on fire." ;)

Ending the trailer with the start of the game got me excited. I must ration Catching Fire to ease my anticipation for the movie. However, I won't ration only one chapter at a time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fictional Vacation

I was sick last weekend, and the rainy days felt longer by staying off the computer. The books I ordered had not come yet so I reread Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones. I had not read it from my purchased copy yet because I knew I would want to illustrate some scenes. But I needed a good book to distract me from being sick and waiting for Catching Fire (2nd book of Hunger Games) to arrive. So a compromise was made--I bookmarked the good scenes.

Charmed Life is one of my top favorite Fantasy books. The character descriptions and narration inspire me to draw and to write. I have to admit though that I'm also fond of the Chrestomanci character Chrisptoher and desire most to draw him in one of his grey suits. He is a silly, powerful man sort of like Willy Wonka. I cannot fully figured out Christopher, which is probably why he entertains me. Even if he is pretending to take the literal meaning of what children say, Christopher is still funny and charming.

An artist on Deviantart has her own fun with him by illustrating him in a love comedy:
Click HERE for more book fanart by artist chira-chira

What I also like about Charmed Life and the prequel, The Lives of Christopher Chant, are the innocent narrators and the magical realm aside from the parallel worlds. I forget myself and follow the boys through the  mischief and suspense. I was sick at home for the weekend but recovered and returned to the weekdays as if I had came back from a journey. =) I guess these books are my equivalent of the Harry Potter series to some people.

When my books did arrive, I was too hooked on Fantasy and read the prequel too. Luckily I have ordered other Fantasy books, both children and young adult, along with Catching Fire. They are:

Howl's Moving Castle also by Diana Wynne Jones. 

I already read this book as well after watching Mizaki's film adaptation. The two are different but the book answered questions for the movie such as "Why is there a parade in the town?" Plus you understand better why characters say certain things such as Howl eating girls' hearts.

Characters were omitted or combined in the adaptation. And Howl is different too; In the book, he does not come home late from fighting. Nope.

The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues by Ellen Raskin.

I already read it in high school, but at that time I instantly wanted to re-read it. However, it was banned from the library because the second main character's past actions and harsh words about the poor (vaguely remember that part) were  not suitable for children. I was drawn to the personality of that character because he is an eccentric man like Sherlock Holmes.

In addition, there was a scene where the eccentric character opens up. I must have been moved by the interaction because a melody played in my head until finished the scene. The author, Raskin, did a magnificent job of showing, not telling, the character's suppressed feelings during a discussion of a watch and its chime.

And Poison by Chris Wooding. 

For this book, I have read only half of it because of classes at that time. I first picked up this book because her brother is kidnapped by a Phaerie King like the movie Labyrinth. I bought the book because I remember liking the world and I left off at a suspenseful moment. Katniss' attitude actually reminded me of the heroine in Poison.

Catching Fire was the main book I waited for, but I am happy to own the other ones and reread them like Charmed Life. The bad reviews on Amazon for Germ and Maze Runner discouraged me from buying them. I was not sure if I wanted to own a copy and reread it later. However, I will give the two books a try at the library. Do you have any book recommendations based on what I've shared? It does not have to have a love story just characters and worlds to love. =) A good read.

My wonderful fictional vacation has inspired me to return to my own stories-in-progress. Lately I have written new ones for contests or notes for the existing ones. I am even writing on paper no the computer for a strong focus.

What books do you love reread because of its world?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Hunger Games Cast Photos

I found cast pictures for the Hunger Games tributes (the game candidates). Here's a sunny, full-body shot. Note: Not all boys and girls are matched up by districts.
Click here for Vanity Fair's article with bios and character role tags to the cast photo. 
I thought the 1st girl was Foxface, but that actress will carry Clove's attitude. Gale looks too old. I do like the casting for Katniss, Peeta, Glimmer, and Cato. Rue was my favorite tribute so seeing her different than I imagined left me just accepting it, but the girl carries the right personality too. =) This shot though is of the actors not them as the characters so we can't judge too much by appearance. Their acting is what matters anyways!

I like these character movie posters, especially Haymitch and Effie:

By the way, I can't wait to read Catching Fire after the movie so I ordered it and will read it soon. I got the hardcover for $10 on Amazon! The next post will cover the other books I bought.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The First Shirt Artist I Follow

I am now following artist Megan Lara because of her Art Nouveau shirts.

The Labryrinth shirt mentioned in my last blog lead me to TeeFury. Then an email showcased pop culture characters like Harry Potter. I had liked the outline used, but the sneak peek at Megan Lara's other works drew me in because they had more Art Nouveau aspects. Here's a poster of 3 Nintendo heroines:

Art Nouveau is one my favorite art styles and Lara's use of it is breath-taking. I just started adding more layers of color and sections when influenced by Art Nouveau. Lara also has the intricate designs, double outlines, and a foreground that pops out!

Recently, I decided to check out other era styles like Baroque or Rococo. But after seeing Lara's work, I want to still be influenced by Art Nouveau at this time. With all those features, Lara's composition still holds together. Maybe the glue is in color theory.

Thank you, TeeFury for showcasing her work. And thank you, Megan Lara for listing your Facebook and website. :) I am geeking out.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Shirt for Labyrinth Fans-Hurry!

One of my lifelong favorite movies is Jim Hension's Labyrinth from the 80's with David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly (There's only 3 other actors. The rest are puppets and animals). =)

For you Labyrinth fans, I wanted to share this Art Nouveau-styled $10 tee shirt I found at
Click HERE for the link.

There's a one-day countdown maybe from expected popularity so buy it now! I have already ordered mine. =)

When You Eat With Others

Hello. A few weeks ago I visited some of my college friends and remembered a literary observation in high school.  My senior English teacher said that characters who ate together are connected with harmony or communication. Think of scenes such as the political dinner in The King and I where food is used in attempt to create harmony. Also think of fictional meals with disconnected characters which is shown by a character not touching his food or a disruptive, early departure from the table. Interesting demonstration of the relationship between characters.

Because I can get cranky without food, I try to include it in get-togethers or at least eat beforehand. In addition, people are usually comfortable talking at meals. One reason could be that your attention is divided from eating, listening, and talking so you are not concern only with the impression you make.

During my visit, I met some girlfriends over sushi because it was fun last time and the place has excellent deals. Afterwards, I continued talking to one of my friends over yogurt (more food). In our long talk, I remembered about connected characters eating together and my persistence to include food in a meeting with a different friend the next day.

Then I realized that when you eat with others, food is more than an activity you share. Because food is a need, you are sharing a satisfied need. If you're comfortable sharing a personal aspect such as a need, then you are more comfortable sharing about yourself as well. I think the yogurt helped opened up the conversation more between my friend and me. =)

With characters that eat together, you can also see the passion between them. My teacher had mentioned sexual tension portrayed through two characters gorging themselves at a dinner. One unsatisfied need is shown through the satisfaction of another one, but at the same level of intensity.

If you are interested in more metaphorical interpretations, then I recommend How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Hunger Games trailer

A short trailer for The Hunger Games was shown at the MTV VMA.

When I read The Hunger Games, I rooted for Katniss and laughed at her remarks and social commentary. Not knowing the next move and the outcome was a thrill. Now that I know the pain she'll go through, seeing it may make me teary.

I wanted more from the trailer, but I'm already affected by hearing Gale's words over the visual of a young girl  trying to survive because of a dystopic punishment and for entertainment sake. What I know added to the trailer make Gale sound to me like he's trying to convince Katniss and even fate of her chance for survival. But he still sounds confident in her.

I'm glad I read the first book before the movie (thanks, sister). I'm also glad I have not read the second one yet because then I can feel the full weight of the ending. =) Save myself some thrill and suspense in the movie.

The anticipation though may win me over. But that's how The Hunger Games book was as well. You say you'll read just one more chapter and stop after three or four chapters instead. Haha.

The Hunger Games comes out in theaters in March. Katniss is played Jennifer Lawrence, who was Mystique in X-men: First Class.

Friday, August 26, 2011

1984 in Monk show

I finished Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell today. Like I said before, the book is a slow read, otherwise you're not actually reading the whole book. The slowest pace is when the character Winston reads the book inside the story (that's meta!), but then the pace quickens and hooks you until you finish the story.

My coincidental reward for finishing Nineteen Eighty-Four today was understanding the allusion in the Monk episode I happened to watch later. From memory the line was, "I just want 2 plus 2 to equal 4 again." I gasped, giggled, and wanted to give a high-five to somebody! Thank you for the reward. =)

At this point I started thinking of Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The episode was "Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum" in season 1, and the allusion is given when the criminal is caught.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SD Comic Con

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. This summer has been busy (such as working at Legoland), but great.  I want to share some photos and panel news from the San Diego Comic Con this past July.

I love how even the attendees are a part of the experience. In the photo below, I stand next to a cosplayer from The Green Hornet (2011):

Me with a Kato (Green Hornet) cosplayer!
Cosplaying is dressing up as a fictional character. I have cosplayed before, but now I just dress-up somehow. On the second day, I wore my Super Maio Bro's mushroom hat along with a blue vest and blue pinstripe pants. Next year I'll wear my new Luigi hat. ;)

More cosplayers:

Kiki and Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service

Luna and Artemis from Sailor Moon

On the right: Frank the 6-foot bunny in Donnie Darko

Planet of the Apes

Angry Birds the game

Katniss from The Hunger Games
I appreciate the cosplayers who depict small details. The Katniss cosplayer is not only carrying her bow, but also the bright, orange pack used in the game!

Speaking of The Hunger Games, I stopped by their booth and got THE golden mockingjay pin as a freebie!
Movie posters as big as a door were also handed out.

Some Panel News
There were at least two panels that discussed fandom and cosplayers. I had hoped to attend one of the panels but I volunteered and had other panels as a higher priority. I also did not have a chance to stop by David Malki's booth to say I submitted to the Machine of Death anthology. Accepted entries are announced in October.

Anyway, here are some lines from the two panel descriptions:

Comics Arts Conference Session #1: Fan Studies
Scott Daniel Boras (Arizona State University) relates his experiences as "Ethnography Man," researching the world of cosplay at Comic-Con and investigating how cosplay both subverts and reinforces codes of conduct, and in the end is more about transcendence than escape. Beverly Taylor (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) presents her research into how the culture of physique athletes -- body builders, figure, and fitness athletes -- is influenced and inspired by superheroes, even to the point of considering their lives outside the gym to be their secret identities. ...

Obsession: How TV and Movies Go from Fascination to Phenomenon
 ...what does it take to turn a series or movie into something special that we can't live without? This panel from examines that topic from all points of view: the writers and producers who create the projects, the actors who star in them, and the fans who consume them. ...

Hopefully, the discussions can be found online or in print.

The IDW panel mentioned its program "Sparkles for Blood." You can trade a Twilight book for their comic "30 Days of Night" to learn what a real vampire is.
 The IDW staff even gave away traded Twilight hardback novels which can be traded back for the vampire comic.

Last bit of news I'm sharing is that even Football players co-write comics.
Lance Briggs at Top Cow panel
Lance Briggs joined the panel of comic-distributor Top Cow to discuss his comic idea, Seraph, which combines his Christian faith with his passion for comics. The comic is about of a man who committed suicide, and then he is given a second chance as a warrior for Heaven. He must follow God's guidelines in his battles.
Lance Briggs' comic pilot Seraph

Lance Briggs is a co-writer of the story and competing with other new comics in Top Cow's Pilot Season. More may  be stated Brigg's social network of comics at Lance's Comic World.

And Legos!
Because I'm working the summer season at Legoland, I had to check out the booth for Lego. I saw smiling, engaged children like I do at work plus Scrappy!

Scrappy cosplayer crawls over legos to his father dressed as Scooby-doo.
 Iconic figures made from legos were found in the whole exhibit hall.
Batman made from legos

Well, I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of my visit at SD Comic Con. If you are interested in going, then I have to warn you that this past year, tickets sold out on the first day of registration. So start checking for the day of registration in Feburary at There you can also find out about a few other comic cons such as APE and Wonder Con.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Blog Address!

I shortened the address for this blog.  So it changed from to

Plus I extended the comment option to Google account owners instead of blogspot members.

Beauty in the Familiar

When I edit a story, (like my Machine of Death entry) I refer to Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark. I refer to it like a checklist of ways to strengthen your writing. The book works for any form of written material.

One concept is to describe something ordinary and familiar as extraordinary.  "...[D]efamiliarization, a hopeless word that describes the process by which an author takes the familiar and makes it strange." Specific details can make the object seem unfamiliar to reader either because of one of the following:
*had a vague image when they read the object's name,
*have not seen the object in person (maybe just on TV),
*or have not notice the object's qualities before.

Here's a microphoto of grains of sand:

See how the familiar can become extraordinary and unfamiliar?  I don't mean for you to put everything under a microscope but think of what objects we overlook and what details make that object.

For more about the photo, click here.

Finished The Hunger Games

I finished the first book of The Hunger Games last week.  It has a dystopic setting, but the story's told as an action adventure. I recommend the book for both readers and writers. =)

In my second story-writing class, I needed more conflicts for the character. The Hunger Games constantly has conflict, which keeps the story going and gives the character Katniss many decisions to make. The book is now an example for me.

I started reading one chapter at a time until some point in the game. I was then reading three chapters at a time. One day as I cleaned my room, I read a section after each time I put something away. I read even before an interview.

When I had three chapters left, I rationed them again. Willy Wonka's reaction to Augustus Gloop's situation is a great way to describe the thrill of reading The Hunger Games:
"The suspense is terrible. I hope it'll last." 
(The line is originally from 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea).

Here's an interesting passage from chapter 13 (Small SPOILER):
Where are the Gamermakers driving me? ...To a whole new terrain filled with new dangers? I had just found a few hours of peace at the pond when this attack happened. ...The wall of fire must have an end and it won't burn indefinitely.  Not because the Gamemakers couldn't keep it fueled but because, again, that would invite accusations of boredom from the audience.
Think of a Gamermaker as a writer and the audience as the story's actual audience (Meta!). Katniss is then questioning the writer's direction. Readers would have been bored if Katniss got to rest a whole day at this moment. They want the story to keep moving.

She's also alone at that moment so just like the Gamemakers, both writer and reader want her to interact with the other characters.  We feel sorry for her pain but back to danger and love! I'm curious if the author, Suzanne Collins, intended to draw attention to the reader's self by mentioning an audience. How much pain and drama did you wish upon Katniss and Peeta?

The quoted section also shows writers that they drive their characters into an adventure. Give them opportunities to make decisions and grow. Character growth gives your readers more than suspense and entertainment.

In addition, writers have to push their characters around to view more of the setting and society. Like pushing a cameraman around.  You push to capture more, but the character or narrator is the one recording details.

How was the suspense for you?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peeta Will Bake You Pies

Figment highlighted this The Hunger Games parody of Britteny Spear's "I Wanna Go." The video is hilarious if you've read the book to get lines like "I'm on fire." The song is also catchy.

I'm on Part 3 of the first book by the way. It's suspenseful with vague chapter cliff hangers and constant conflict. I want to read more than one chapter at a time now.

"I'll baake you piess~"

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pausing One Dystopia For Another

My younger sister talks about the movie adaptation for The Hunger Games by Susan Collins in March 2011. Even my mom has read the series already. Haha. Thus, I bumped the first book higher on my reading list and have even stopped reading  Nineteen Eighty-Four  by George Orwell.  (I may have spoilers in this post!)

 Nineteen Eighty-Four has been a slow read for me, especially because I note elements of dystopic societies such as systems and rules. Here is my book with color-coded sticky notes (I barely passed the half-point):
I wrote on only a few sticky notes. The rest just mark passages.

The Hunger Games has been a faster read, which makes this book better than Nineteen Eighty-Four  for young adults. Sometimes Nineteen Eighty-Four  has long passages about regulations that are close to a manual.

I'm glad I read past chapter 2 before I wrote this post. I'm on Chapter 6, and I have placed 4 sticky notes (I limit myself because the book is my younger sister's).

At first I noticed how the main character, Katniss, is not as blind as many dystopic protagonists. She disagrees with her society and knows how little the government cares for people in her district. Winston in Nineteen Eighty-Four is the same way, but Katniss' attitude is stronger. Then I felt that she knew too much, especially for an adolescent.  Also twice already a moment was explained instantly instead of letting the read figure it out.

However, when Katniss changes her mind about Peeta's motives, I saw that she is confident in her view of things (The reader gets to interpret!)  This quality makes her seem more dystopic and adolescent to me. She may be blind about some facts after all.

The Hunger Games does differ from other dystopias by starting the story after a rebellion. Society has already stood against the government, and the people now face the consequences of their failure. The oppressed life has become more harsh for all common folk.

In addition, Katniss is in the same position as Julia in Nineteen Eighty-Four but the attitude and situation differ.  Julia represents the generation born into the dystopic world. She has grown up oppressed and cannot imagine a world without the current government. She breaks rules for fun. However, she is shown through Winston's eyes who has memories prior to the dystopic world.

As for Katniss' world, the adults who remember the failed rebellion seem to have broken spirits. The generation of Katniss may be broken as well from the consequences and conditions. However, survival is more at stake. Thee will to survive and refusal to accept imposed ways show potential and hope.

Suzanne Collins does a terrific job of keeping her readers in anticipation. I long for answers to my questions such as, "Once tributes enter the game, are they stuck in there until the game's over?" (I think I know the answer already but I have to see the answer. Haha). I try to read whole chapters at a time to pass the suspense of just that moment.

Who has read or is reading The Hunger Games? Please do not say anything pass the training center though. I long to see my questions answered.

Do you mark passages outside of school?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Recycled Book Covers

How lovely. A librarian saved damaged book covers and made these pieces for a teacher's last day. ^_^ 
(Click here for the blog source.)

Even the pages of a damaged book could be a collage! Imagine a few inspiring lines from a book physically a part of a work of art.

An artist on used a small part of a magazine page to create the following piece:

Friday, June 10, 2011

Machine of Death vol 2

Last Fall, a sci-fi anthology  of short stories called Machine of Death came out on The common theme was a machine that predicted your death in a few words on a slip of paper. However, the interpretation of those words is unknown until the death comes true, which it does. Although the topic is death, the tone of some stories can be ironic and humorous.

Overall, the anthology, which is more than 400 pages, shows different aspects of society affected by the death predictions. For example, school cliques form according to death categories and the insurance company suffers. I recommend the book.  My friend got hooked from the first story. A free PDF file is provided for preview.

For the first volume, anyone could submit a short story with the theme. Volume 2 is now open for submissions until July 15! Artists may submit samples to illustrate selected stories. Please pass the word. I hope to submit a story myself. =)

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Abed videos

I mention the show Community and the character Abed, played by Danny Pudi, a few times so I wanted to share some videos I just found.

The first one is deep and meta with viewer becoming character: 
There are a few episodes I missed and this was one of them. After watching the scene, I want to see the rest of the episode.

Apparently, the character Abed does appear in the show Cougar Town, but as himself.

The last video is full of bloopers. It shows the funny and geeky pair Abed and Troy, played by Donald Glover.  Together they are cool geeks though. :)
I am also a fan of Batman so I enjoyed the video even more.

Do you watch Community? =)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

But Stories Need to End

My last post discussed story endings in the perspective of a reader and fan. From a fan perspective, an ending can be sad because there will be no more moments of the characters.

From a storyteller's perspective, when does a story reach its ending? A story can have multiple drafts, but when are the edits final?

I have some fine artist friends who laugh when asked if they finished a painting. All forms of art can be revised.  If a writer or artist takes a break from his work, then he may spot a flaw or solution missed beforehand. However, if the creator seeks perfection for his work, then it will never be finished.

The novel The Loser by Thomas Bernhard is about a musical genius (real-life musician Glenn Gould) who sought perfection. He even dies at the piano (happened in the book but not in real life), which the narrator thought was fitting. Although one character is labeled as the loser, the reader is left to question if the other characters found success.

Glenn Gould

If you are interested in reading The Loser...
I have to warn you that the novel has no chapters or paragraphs. The prose is one body of work, and is a stream of consciousness on the history of three musicians who sought fame. The narrator repeats moments, and you will find that he changes his attitude about the moment according to his feelings.

For instance, he says he idolized his friend Glenn Gould, but then later the narrator mentions the same memory with dislike for the man who reached a higher level.  The shift in attitude after new information is revealed or admitted information is realistic and humorous, but the repetition and streaming prose can give you a headache.  You, the reader, have to be ready and have the will to stop.  Otherwise you will be overwhelmed. Perhaps the author Bernard intended the reader to share the feeling of no end with the characters.

The narrator also seeks perfection for a book. He is never satisfied with a draft, and he never creates a whole work. Because the draft is unaccepted, he destroys it and starts fresh.  He doesn't allow himself to improve and develop his skills. A story has to reach an ending for the creator to review the work as a whole and make edits for the good of the whole.

Authors have been embarrassed to read one of their previously published works because mistakes even in the plot were missed or the author felt that the work could have been stronger.  But these authors chose a point to stop and publish their work.  They allowed themselves to move on to other challenging projects or the next installment.  

A character from a TV show develops over a series of episodes instead of learning all the lessons from just one episode. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sadly Stories Have Endings

I just finished the second season of the TV show Community. The two part episode was a thrill to watch; I laughed, ooohed, and awwwed. However, the departure of a character made the season finale sad to accept. Thankfully the show's not over yet, but will more characters leave? =( Abed got cooler in season 2. Character growth is an amazing thing to witness.

Community: A Fistful of Paintballs

Another show I'm currently into is Lie To Me. I got into it late, and sadly, the show is canceled.  So I have just one more season to watch. Once I am done with Community and Lie to Me, will I find a show to love as much?

As for comics, I have not read past issue 1 of The Unwritten.  The first issue had so much material, and I enjoyed it on its own. I am afraid to continue though perhaps because of expectations and maybe because then I will finish the series. I really should read issue 2  though. The series is around 27 issues now.

Issue #2

During one summer in high school, I read 3 books (2 of them were The Blue Sword by Robin McKinely and one from the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card) that were each around 300 pages. When I got towards the end of each one, I stopped and started the next book. Eventually I had 3 unfinished books so I read the endings to all three.  The stories were then complete but I still had wished that some of the books were 500 pages.

Have you felt the same way about a story? I am sure people do with series (shows and books).  I do not always finish series. What do you do to deal with the need for more? Do you re-watch the series with the knowledge of future events and character development? I will do the same for Community. Also, I hope to catch the show panel at the SD Comic Con. =)

For some shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, I get a full sense of completeness and cannot re-watch the series immediately. Years have to pass so that I remember less.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Graduation Cap

I continue to have views on this post, but ANOTHER POST describes the process more.

 I had my graduation walk last week! =)  Here's a photo of my graduation cap that I painted:

I'm going to frame the cap along with its white tassel.

After the ceremony, my friends and family were able to find me because of the design. I painted an Art Nouveau portrait before it, and I looked at some Baroque and Rococo radial designs. Because radial designs are circular symmetry, you can look at it from whichever side.

I used a circle stencil and an oval-shaped stain glass for the linework. My next art tool to purchase is the french curve tool (shown down below) for longer arcs.