
Friday, October 21, 2011

The First Shirt Artist I Follow

I am now following artist Megan Lara because of her Art Nouveau shirts.

The Labryrinth shirt mentioned in my last blog lead me to TeeFury. Then an email showcased pop culture characters like Harry Potter. I had liked the outline used, but the sneak peek at Megan Lara's other works drew me in because they had more Art Nouveau aspects. Here's a poster of 3 Nintendo heroines:

Art Nouveau is one my favorite art styles and Lara's use of it is breath-taking. I just started adding more layers of color and sections when influenced by Art Nouveau. Lara also has the intricate designs, double outlines, and a foreground that pops out!

Recently, I decided to check out other era styles like Baroque or Rococo. But after seeing Lara's work, I want to still be influenced by Art Nouveau at this time. With all those features, Lara's composition still holds together. Maybe the glue is in color theory.

Thank you, TeeFury for showcasing her work. And thank you, Megan Lara for listing your Facebook and website. :) I am geeking out.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Shirt for Labyrinth Fans-Hurry!

One of my lifelong favorite movies is Jim Hension's Labyrinth from the 80's with David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly (There's only 3 other actors. The rest are puppets and animals). =)

For you Labyrinth fans, I wanted to share this Art Nouveau-styled $10 tee shirt I found at
Click HERE for the link.

There's a one-day countdown maybe from expected popularity so buy it now! I have already ordered mine. =)

When You Eat With Others

Hello. A few weeks ago I visited some of my college friends and remembered a literary observation in high school.  My senior English teacher said that characters who ate together are connected with harmony or communication. Think of scenes such as the political dinner in The King and I where food is used in attempt to create harmony. Also think of fictional meals with disconnected characters which is shown by a character not touching his food or a disruptive, early departure from the table. Interesting demonstration of the relationship between characters.

Because I can get cranky without food, I try to include it in get-togethers or at least eat beforehand. In addition, people are usually comfortable talking at meals. One reason could be that your attention is divided from eating, listening, and talking so you are not concern only with the impression you make.

During my visit, I met some girlfriends over sushi because it was fun last time and the place has excellent deals. Afterwards, I continued talking to one of my friends over yogurt (more food). In our long talk, I remembered about connected characters eating together and my persistence to include food in a meeting with a different friend the next day.

Then I realized that when you eat with others, food is more than an activity you share. Because food is a need, you are sharing a satisfied need. If you're comfortable sharing a personal aspect such as a need, then you are more comfortable sharing about yourself as well. I think the yogurt helped opened up the conversation more between my friend and me. =)

With characters that eat together, you can also see the passion between them. My teacher had mentioned sexual tension portrayed through two characters gorging themselves at a dinner. One unsatisfied need is shown through the satisfaction of another one, but at the same level of intensity.

If you are interested in more metaphorical interpretations, then I recommend How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster.